Artificial intelligence is here to stay. And not just since yesterday. We love the disruptive nature of one of the technologies of the future – and are already using it in a variety of ways. In some cases for years. Or decades.
Welcome to the innovative world of Research & Innovation! As a department of REWE digital, we search, develop, and connect with like-minded pioneers, fast-paced innovators or well-experienced founders. Together, we drive forward new products, services, and processes. Always in focus: maximum customer centricity for maximum customer satisfaction in our dynamic world.
Collaborating closely with startups is a core part of who we are, where we come from and how our global corporation works. By combining our multifaceted expertise with your entrepreneurial spirit, we create a powerful environment for fostering groundbreaking ideas and new technologies. Let’s start the REWElution!
All good things come in threes
With our three teams Acceleration, Engineering & Innovation, we have the perfect foundation to uncover opportunities, develop strategies, and shape the future of your and our organization. Our team consists of field experts and entrepreneurial generalists, with lots of corporate, entrepreneurial and VC experience, combined with a vast network and a hunger for innovation. Together, we unite to form the “Digital Startup Hub @ REWE Group” – always ready to provide value for all REWE Group companies. Besides connecting the startup ecosystem within our Group, we invest in building strategic partnerships with long-term value. And you could be next!
Always hungry for innovation
We are the matchmaker for pioneering startup solutions and the innovation needs of our REWE Group departments. Through regular interactions with our business units and systematic need-assessments, we know the pains of our business units inside-out. This enables us to recognize the best fits for your innovative ideas.
Important to know is that we don't seek exclusivity. In fact, we prefer not being the only strategic partner as we (actively) foster a market-driven approach. Therefore, our common goal is your success!

In Germany, REWE really is a well-known name. The success story of the retail and tourism company REWE Group began almost 100 years ago in Cologne. Today, we are active in 21 European countries with stores and travel agencies – also here in Spain – and generated an EBITA of over 1.8 billion euros in 2023. REWE Group also includes REWE digital, the company's largest IT unit. And we, REWE digital Spain, are part of it.
Together for a better life
As a retail and tourism company, REWE Group is part of the world of twelve million customers every day: whether they are shopping for groceries, do-it-yourself and garden products, snacks on the go or their next vacation. More than 389,000 employees work together to provide the best shopping and travel experience - in-store and digitally. This is where we, REWE digital Spain, come into play. But one thing at a time.

IT experts love numbers. Here are a few for you, even really big ones.
founded in Cologne
euros in external sales (2023)
stores and travel agencies
countries in Europe
euros EBITA (2023)
euros net profit (2023)
customer contacts per week
euros Investments (2023)